Furry Tales is not just a venture, it is a dream in the making
Formed with a lot of heart and a lot of love, we first started our journey as a digital community space for pet parents to speak their hearts out, share stories of rescuing and adopting their furry families, and of life with and after them.

Pradeepa Rao
The inspiration for Furry Tales started with Founder Pradeepa Rao’s first baby kitten who clung to her bosom and looked up at her with all the world’s love and trust in his eyes. He believed she would take care of him, as every pet believes his or her pet parent will. And along came the rest of the feline and canine members, along with family and friends who joined Pradeepa to give shape to her dream.

Today, Furry Tales is all of that along with a place where pet parents and friends find mementos of their love like no other in our products that they can make a part of their world with absolute ease. These products are passionate nuggets of realities pet parents and friends are sure to find relatable, discovering their pets’ personalities in them.
Along with this happiness, we also bring heartwarming stories from our community that give a voice to the innocent and the voiceless. Our ultimate goal is to ease the lives of pets and pet parents alike and to involve as many animal lovers as possible in our ever-growing pet community.